what is puberphonia
Puberphonia is a medical term used to describe what happens when a person has a high-pitched voice that lasts past puberty. In infants the laryngotracheal complex lies at. Shankh Mudra For Relieving Throat Speech Ailments Shankh Mudra Resembles Conch Shell Conch Shell Is Traditionally Used In H Mudras Yoga Therapy Yoga Hands Puberphonia is a voice disorder in which males have female like voice ie. . Puberphonia occurs in males whose voices remain high after they have gone through the other physiological changes associated with puberty. Puberphonia is a voice disorder caused by incorrect use of the laryngeal muscles in response to the rapid physiological changes that occur during puberty. Puberphonia like most voice disorders needs the attention of a professional. The male voice lowers about one octave during mutation and the female voice lowers one to three semitones. My voice isnt strong and its not clear I sometimes get ...